Saturday, June 25, 2011

Spring, Summer Vegetables, seedlings

Parsley getting there, I should be able to offload the seedlings to their own pots soon.

Beans progressing, I just planted a second batch of seeds in the open area of the box.

Closeups of the squash plants.

 Fennel, beets, carrots. (and plenty of purslane volunteers)

And here are how the tomatoes are looking now. The high temperatures of the early part of the week seemed to have kicked the fruiting into gear now.

The arugula is about to seed but some good lettuce heads still available for picking. Time to start harvesting the kale and chard.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Garden Status

I just took these.
Here are the beans.

From bottom: fennel, beets, carrots.

From top, greens, kale, chard and basil.

The tomatoes. Although not a normal year, it's still considerably better than last year. We've had a lot of rain this spring, but not nearly as much cold weather as in 2010.
Finally the garlic. Some the ones in the back may have rotted from the rains but most of them in the front seem to be fine, should be pulling them out within the next 3 weeks or so.