Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tomato Planting

Planted the summer tomatoes yesterday - Better Boy, Early Girl, Sungold, Costoluto Fiorentino, Roma, and Cherokee Purple. 

Note that the shade offender is from a neighbor's tree - he has graciously offered to prune the branch that steals the late afternoon sun as it literally hangs well over our property line. This bed is the most precarious in terms of light due to being between two large trees but I think with the pruning we'll be getting at least 7-8 hours of direct sun.
I turned over the entire bed a few weeks ago with a couple of bags of steer manure and added a good amount of blood meal and bone meal to each hole when planting yesterday. I've been using the cages for about 25 years now and always start the seedlings with a large bowl around each to capture the water to get them started. We'll be out of town for a while soon so even with a friend watering while we're gone I want to get them as ready as possible before we leave.

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